
Sunshine North and some extras

The power steering rack in my car finally decided to kick the bucket after almost 27 years so the last month has been really boring i.e. I'm either at home or at uni, doing/seeing nothing worth posting about.

Anyway $1400 later (ugh), everything is OK, now I can drive all the time and go anywhere I want - so of course I visited Sunshine North on my way back from LaManna today: 

How do you even do this to a fence

Don't know if you can tell but there's another part to the new barrier/gate thing which is completely obstructed by the main gate. Someone didn't think it through

Can you tell I was doing a three point turn at this point? Check out that reflection, the mechanic washed my car for me (something I haven't done in years)

This was once an independently-owned hardware store which basically went out of business as soon as Bunnings opened on Ballarat Rd. Weird building but also a bad photo

Now for random things - Footscray Market at 10 pm on a Thursday

Getting car back yesterday

Hoya on the balcony bloomed for a second time this summer - love these flowers, they don't look real, nice velvety texture too. Blurry monstera in the background is thriving as well though I don't know if the fruit on it is ripe or rotting


Albanvale weird

Another suburban oddity - a large linear reserve (which, as the image below depicts, is now being developed for housing)

My first assumption was that the transmission line, which ran past my old house in St Albans, continued westwards - it actually goes along the diagonal reserve. My second assumption was that this was a site reserved for some part of the F12 freeway (since it looked kind of like it on this map - it is also ludicrously wide - 99 m at its narrowest, and 120 m where it meets Station Rd - which is twice the width of Ballarat Rd and a little more than the Western Ring Rd) (I'm not 100% sure of this not being the F12, but I'll check the 1969 Transport Plan when I am less busy). 

The truth is far more boring: it was just meant to be a regular road

I did some lurking and found a very unexciting overview of the issue - the only interesting thing is that the DHS owned some of the land (weird).

Planning Committee Meeting Minutes Meeting No. 9 Tuesday 2 February 2010 (Brimbank City Council)
The site forms part of a linear corridor that was previously owned by VicRoads to allow for the future continuation of Rockbank Middle Road through to Station Road. The subject site is currently owned by the Department of Human Services, however a agreement exists to sell the land to Demar Developments. To the west, land has been, or is planned to be, set aside within Burnside (Shire of Melton) for Rockbank Middle Road to be extended to Kororoit Creek. Land immediately to the east of the site (on the eastern side of Oakwood Road) is owned by VicRoads, and part of this land is reserved for a road.

You can see where a big road is meant to go

I guess the extension of Rockbank Middle Rd won't happen now - the 2015 Melways shows a few planned streets but no creek crossing like the 1999 Melways does. I assume houses will then be built along the creek and Taylors Rd will continue to be the workhorse in connecting Kings Park et al. with Burnside and Caroline Springs

1999 Melways - that didn't happen

2015 Melways
It is so weird seeing the 80s/90s fringe abutting a decade-old estate. This is a common theme all along the creek from Ballarat Rd, Deer Park, right through to Taylors Rd. Why didn't they just put a road here...


The Solomon Heights of Altona

So I was looking at Google Maps, as you do, and came across something that looks a lot like a zombie subdivision...

There are a few real estate listings (see here [just look at that sales spiel] and here [$29,000?!]) which suggest the site is unserviced but totally has potential - which it definitely doesn't, because I just looked it up, and it's in the 'Altona Special Industrial Area' (according to a Schedule 4 to the Special Use zone). The following is noted:

Use of unserviced subdivision, Merton Street
Land bounded by Merton Street , Harcourt Road, Danglow Avenue and Government Road, must not be used or developed for any purpose other than agriculture unless the land:
  • is connected to a reticulated water supply, a reticulated sewerage system and a reticulated drainage system to the satisfaction of the responsible authority and the relevant water supply, sewerage and drainage authority; and 
  • is comprised of a lot of at least two hectares.

So basically it seems like only a big development can happen (and an industrial one at that). Another limitation is that structures built on this land cannot cover more than 60% of the site, so if someone wants to use the land efficiently, they should probably 1. befriend all the landholders and buy the surrounding lots and 2. think of a business that isn't labour-intensive: there are also limits on employee density because of the site's proximity to petrochemical facilities. I think it falls under the density control 'PD10' which means a minimum of 52 m2 for each employee on the site - I don't know if that's per square meter of building, or the actual site including undeveloped parts - but if it's the former that's only 230 full-time employees. I don't do business (or maths) so I could be wrong, but that's not very many people

Also, weird thing: if you can't tell from the image above (and the ones below), there is a piece of land on Harcourt Road which was zoned PPRZ/public land but was actually privately owned, which recently necessitated its rezoning to SUZ4/special use. It is now for sale, and is big enough to be developed (if whoever buys it is happy to pay for services/infrastructure to be connected).

A quick search also brings up this blog, which refers to the possibility of land banking - someone in the comments clarifies with a completely different theory:

Anonymous said...
In reference to the particular land where Merton st/Harcourt rd and the baseball stadium is: the land is cheap and affordable, however there are major gas pipelines running below the surface of these blocks of land, and due to the nature of them, any building is not allowed.
This is potentially true - there is an ethane pipeline that connects a tank farm/facility near Western Port Bay with the Qenos plant on Kororoit Creek Rd. I'm not completely sure as to whether it passes through the site but there isn't really much to go on except this image I found (I tried to look for more 'evidence' but got sucked into this special 'edition' of The Age* - if you look closely enough at one of the ads for the Olympic brand, you can see the building I live in):

And then I found this very comprehensive history which explains everything in great detail (and turns out there's a 'proper' name for the area - Burns Road Industrial Estate) and which is actually taken from this document. You can read it so I won't repeat it here. There's a pretty active group of landholders who want something done, which is nice. A sternly-worded letter on their website from Hobsons Bay City Council alludes to an 'engagement process' which has 'proved successful in the establishment of a land owners group in a neighbouring municipality for an estate affected by issues similar to the Burns Road Industrial Estate' - I wonder if this is Solomon Heights? They also mention 'orphan lots' where ownership cannot be established, which is interesting (and of course would pose an issue with the accrual of lots to make a single parcel that is large enough to develop), and again I wonder if Solomon Heights has any of those.

The parallels with Solomon Heights don't stop there either, according to this document:

40-58 Harcourt Road. 
This land is currently owned by the Department of Sustainability and Environment and zoned SUZ4 however it is occupied by a grasslands reserve. The grasslands reserve is the result of negotiations to create a reserve in 2002 between the previous owner, the former Department of Natural Resources and Energy (DNRE), and the Council following land swap/ transfer negotiations regarding land at 870 Kororoit Creek Road, Altona North. The land swap/ transfer was brokered to ensure the protection of high quality native vegetation. Confirmation that the lot accorded with DNRE’s negotiations for the grassland reserve was received in and it is therefore appropriate to rezone the land to reflect the use for which it has been reserved.

Who would've thought the few remnant shreds of native grassland would pose an issue.

So, long story short, Solomon Heights isn't alone in development limbo, and Hobsons Bay CC seems just as ineffective as Brimbank in brokering any kind of a solution. And the Altona site probably has way more problems than Solomon Heights ever will because of the whole petrochemical/density thing. Which is good for me, because I like planning mysteries.

Anyway, read more:

*And just for fun - I got curious about whatever 'Slough Estates' is, because The Age had quite a few ads for it, so if you're curious too, read this and this and this (ctrl + f 'Altona'). It continues to live on in the form of Slough Rd and its surrounds. And it even has it's very own Solomon Heights-esque street truncation

Thanks to Streetview I don't have to leave the comfort of my house to know that people dump rubbish here

Extra special bonus gift is this picture of where the train lines bow around what used to be the island platform of Galvin Railway Station, a few hundred meters north of Slough Rd


Claw grabby

Toys in one of those claw machines at Braybrook Safeway. They're cute


Buildings on the Gold Coast that have names

Not a building but do I care? No

If you look closely the word 'restaurant' appears

Intermission - this building had no name from what I could tell, and I thought the green fluorescent lights looked cool OK

No words just a sculptural interpretation of the Australian emblem
Great design. I guess "ANZ" is a word


Do you need a pal for a minute or two

It's only February and I've already rescued three animals - the limping cat previously mentioned here, an adolescent myna bird that kept flying into a glass pane at 'Essendon Fields' (ugh what a dumb name) (also, which I didn't mention and also that's a huge ethical quandary because they're pests but I felt sorry for it OK), and now a pigeon. I found him or her hanging out next to the front door when we went to get a coffee today and it was still there when we got home so I picked it up and brought it inside for some water and breadcrumbs. Poor thing had a twisted neck and couldn't eat so I'm almost certain it is suffering from paramyxovirus. I took it to the Lort Smith just before where it will probably be put down. Sad. Pigeons are so nice and this one was especially friendly which made me miss the pigeons we used to keep in St Albans

Great pet names